
Before You Join

Welcome and thank you for considering membership at the Illuminati Society. But do you really know everything you need to know before joining?

Unscrupulous individuals, profiteers, scammers, and swindlers have over the recent years spread falsehoods, myths, and half-truths about the Illuminati, and in particular, about our recruitment process. It’s for this reason that our Recruitment Council changed the joining procedure. Under our new recruitment undertaking, we recommend that every new prospect reads the ‘Before You Join’ membership Compass prior to opting in.

The core essence of the new membership process is to iron out any knotty questions, counter the misinformation, and most importantly, ensure that only serious prospects who have read the Membership Compass and are duly informed proceed to join. It’s also aimed at averting later retractions. To join or not? Make an adept decision by getting this eye-opening membership guide today.


The Ultimate Compass

The ‘Before You Join’  starter kit is your handy membership ‘Compass’ that covers quite a number of vital points of consideration involved in joining the Illuminati. Take time to read, discern, and think through the membership questions and answers before committing to join.

Make An Adept Decision

Decision-making process is a part of our everyday life. When it comes to making high-stakes membership decisions, it’s paramount to correctly identify the choices at hand, gather all available information, separate facts from fictions, clear opaque issues, and make the most informed decision possible.

When contemplating to join the Illuminati, you must ask yourself questions that take you beyond being just a consumer of existing ‘facts and myths’ about the Illuminati. Instead, you must discern whether the organization’s operations are in sync with your expectations, and to what extent you will be equipped to live your dream life and impact your community.

Avid prospects question at least one or two issues about the Illuminati, get answers, and be contented. This book presents answers to more than sixty questions that prospects need to ask ahead of joining the Illuminati.

Achieve Clarity

When joining the Illuminati, it should be obvious that your decision should be based on more than what you already know. Before joining, it would likewise be a good idea to familiarize yourself with information presented on our official website — — in order to gain clarity on important points of consideration that you would not be able to know by yourself.

A Must-get Membership Starter Guide

Join 1000s of people from all corners and horns of this planet who have read the ``Before You Join`` membership compass.
Membership Compass
  • Get complete answers to all burning questions, and sieve out myths about the Illuminati;
  • Capture a factual glimpse of the Illuminati Society, including our intrinsic workings and operations;
  • Download the “Before You Join” e-book instantly and start reading it right away, then decide whether to join.

Make a Sound Judgment

Your life is a map that is drawn by your decisions. Every day, pursuit for Illuminati membership presents prospective members with hundreds of unsettled questions and they must select a direction through their choices. What exactly is the Illuminati? Where is its HQ? How do I join? What are its benefits?

When making life’s important choices, a person’s actions rely upon their judgment: the internal compass formed by their knowledge, wisdom, and experience. Pilots rely on the accuracy of their instruments to choose the safest route. Illuminati prospects rely on the accuracy of their judgment to choose a membership path to follow.

Direct Link

Once you complete reading the 'Before You Join' membership compass, an official link to join the Illuminati is provided in the end matter page of the book should you opt to launch your membership quest. To join or not to join?

Ask No More …

Read the ‘Before You Join’ membership Compass to explore answers and seek knowledge that will sharpen your mind’s instruments so that the road to your membership quest will prepare you for the destination ahead. The COMPASS is your only guide to get answers to 100s of knotty questions:

  1. What is the Illuminati?
  2. Where in the world is Illuminati headquarters?
  3. I hail from country X, am I eligible to join the Illuminati?
  4. Is the Illuminati affiliated with Freemasons?
  5. My religion is … Do I qualify to become a member?
  6. What is the New World Order? The One World Government?
  7. What are the Illuminati’s beliefs?
  8. What is the role of the Illuminati in history, art, and the human species?
  9. Does the Illuminati worship Satan?
  10. What’s the power behind Illuminati symbols?
  11. Is the Illuminati good or evil?
  12. What are the Illuminati’s decade-old secrets of power, prosperity, and happiness?
  13. Why does the Illuminati value anonymity?
  14. How to join the prestigious Illuminati Society?
  15. What is Illuminati’s mission in the coming age?
  16. Can the Illuminati help me find my true purpose in this world and attain all that I seek?
  17. What are the benefits of being an Illuminati member?
  18. Are there Illuminati membership fees?
  19. How precisely do I become a member of the Illuminati?
  20. How old should I be before joining the Illuminati?
  21. And many other questions and info related to joining the Illuminati.
The Compass

Membership Compass

The ‘Before You Join’ membership guide is intended to help prospective members through the process of applying for membership, and to provide a complete kit to current members on what is involved in being a member of the Illuminati.

The BEFORE YOU JOIN starter kit is your life’s guide to get answers to 100s of unsettled questions about the Illuminati Society.

Start reading today, then make a sound decision.

The Compass

Grasp a Crystal Clear Anatomy of the Illuminati

Join thousands of people from all walks of life who have read the ‘Before You Join’ membership Compass and made an informed decision on their membership pursuit.

Illuminati Compass

Instant Download

The Illuminati Society ensures seamless and widespread availability of Illuminati starter kits and pathway components throughout the world.

Now is the time to get guided. Click the button below to order the ``Before You Join`` membership Compass via Gumroad, then begin reading it in the next few minutes!

Got a pre-download question? Contact us

Please do not proceed to get the Compass:

If you are presently below 18 years of age;

If you’ve an active criminal case in a Court of Law;

If you do not hold a favorable opinion of the Illuminati.


Note: Your Compass is available for instant download after checkout.


We treasure anonymity. To preserve your privacy, references to ‘Illuminati’, ‘NWO’, and ‘Illuminatiam’, will not feature anywhere on your statements or receipts. Always keep it secret!


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