Membership Packet Shipment

Membership Packet

Ordinarily, every accepted member of the Illuminati Society receives a Membership Packet. A standard packet contains a number of classified items that are core to the actualization of your membership.

 Here’s what to expect in your final membership pack, complete with instructions: Activator, Starter Kit, Membership Card, Confirmation Number, Confirmation Certificate, Magic Ring (Gold), Luminous Wrist Watch, Confirmation Badge, a DVD (3 hour videos), and Benefits info.

Soon, your quest for success, breakthrough, power, knowledge, wealth, health, love, talent, bucks, fame and more will come to fruition when we confirm you to our ranks and issue you with the packet.

Your Membership Packet will be securely sealed, and shipped via FedEx International First® or DHL Express Service to the address that you’ll specify after the confirmation.

Spread the Illumination